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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

First book blues

It's been a hectic couple of weeks since I've last written a blog. Nearly three weeks since I posted anything at all, but I do have a good reason for it. MY FIRST BOOK - THE SURROGATE- WAS PUBLISHED THIS WEEK! I must be excited, I'm using block capitals. I've been up late at night, re-writing, editing, re-editing to try and get the book out on time (I didn't) but it's finally out there and...I feel sad.

Why do I feel sad? I think the book is okay. I would have like a little more time with it, but then I probably would have procrastinated over what word to use here or there? Do I have to capitalize the A in 'ah' when I am using it as dialect to replace 'I'? Stuff like that. I'm glad it's out, but I miss it.

Is your first novel like your first child? Do you cajole it? Mother it? Tell it off when it doesn't do what you want it to? Maybe. It depends what type of parent you are I suppose. For many years I was a neglectful one, and now I've spent some time with it, I didn't want to let it go. I'm like the parents waving their first born off to university, weeping at the dorm room, hoping it'll be okay in the big bad world.

Then I remember something. I have other children. Lots of other children all craving my attention. When one flies the nest, another egg cracks. So back I go to the little office in my house and prepare to write my next novel, with one eye on how my baby is doing in the real world. Although, i might just enjoy having the house, and my head, to myself for a little while first.

C J Evans

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